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2024-04-11 11:35    点击:1237次    作者:    来源:


主要从事天然产物的分析分离、活性及高值化利用研究,主持国家自然科学基金、陇原创新创业人才(团队)项目等省部级以上项目4项。在Journal of Cleaner Production,Tribology International、Renewable Energy等国际和国内学术期刊发表论文十余篇,其中SCI一区收录7篇。主编教材1部。











1)Min Xie *, Daqian Xu, Juanjuan Shen, Chunyun Zhang. Achieving the good thermal-stability and lubricity via a dihydroxy biolubricant from the agro-waste of Codonopsis pilosula. Renewable Energy 2024, 221, 119867

2)Min Xie*, Yuxin Luo, Tingting Gao, Rongye Li. Investigation on the lubrication component and mechanism for a biolubricant isolated from the agro-waste resource of Codonopsis pilosula. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 902, 166014

3)Min Xie*, Daqian Xu, Chunyun Zhang. Tribological properties and thermal-stability of epoxide-functionalized biolubricant derived from the abandon aerial part of Codonopsis pilosula. Tribology International. 2023, 185, 108537

4)Min Xie*, Hui Tan, Guohu Zhao. A clean and sustainable strategy to produce bio-lubricant with high-bearing and good anti-oxidation ability from Lanzhou lily. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 371, 133333

5)Min Xie*, Jun Cheng, Caixia Huo, Guohu Zhao*. Improving the lubricity of a bio-lubricating grease with the multilayer graphene additive, Tribology International, 2020, 150. 106386.

6)Min Xie*, Jun Cheng, Guohu Zhao*, Haixia Liu, Li Zhang, Cailing Yang. Natural wax from non-medicinal aerial part of Codonopsis pilosula as a biolubricant, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 242. 118403.

6)Min Xie, Zhiqiang Yan*, Xia Ren, Xiuzhuang Li, Bo Qin*. Codonopilate A, a triterpenyl ester as main autotoxin in cultivated soil of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65: 2032-2038.

